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Rotary Timisoara: Outstanding Achievements in Rural Banat

din proiect

”Rotary Club Timisoara”: Outstanding achievements in rural Banat

Duration: Sept. 2022 – June 2023

The objective of this 10-year old project is to grant scholarships to students from the rural areas, who have outstanding curricular achievements, but come from a difficult family background and struggle financially. These students will be provided everything needed in order to study at a high-school in Timisoara and then apply for college. Society will eventually benefit from these valuable members, when they in turn give back to society.

From this Timotion fundraiser we plan on covering accommodation, transportation and school supplies for at least 5 children from the Timis county rural area for their first year of high-school. Expenses for the following three high-school years will be covered by our Club’s own funds. 

Experience: First founded in 1929 and then re-founded in 1994, our Club is the oldest in western Romania, as well as the largest, boasting 70 members who are all leaders of the Timisoara community in various fields. The motto we strive to live by is “Serve above yourself”.



Ovidiu Ambrus

‘Performanta in satul banatean’ este un proiect in care cred cu tarie- isi propune sa sustina elevii cu potential intelectual ridicat, dar care provin din familii cu nevoi sociale, din zona rurala banateana

Suma stransa: 1,280 lei

Daniel Marcu , din echipa Rotary

Salut, sunt Daniel Marcu si sustin proiectul Clubului Rotary Timisoara " PERFORMANTA IN SATUL BANATEAN" . Acest proiect da sansa elevilor din satele banatene cu potential ridicat la invatatura, dar fara posibilitati materiale, sa studieze la un liceu din Timisoara. Prin acest proiect se acopera toate costurile cu caminul, masa, rechizite si transport ale bursierilor pe intreaga perioada a liceului!

Suma stransa: 330 lei

Donatii directe

Raul Prisacariu 200 RON Salut! 
Ion-Catalin Ogoranu 30 RON  
Prisacariu Raul 25 RON Salut! 
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