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Punem sângele în mișcare!

Punem sângele în mișcare! powered by Profi


Through this campaign we aim to encourage blood donation in partnership with the Timișoara Regional Blood Transfusion Center. Donors who donate blood can register for FREE at any Timotion race, within the limits of available funds. The campaign runs from February 20 to May 14, 2023.


How to register

  • donate blood;
  • keep the certificate you received after the donation;
  • enter the Timotion website, choose a project you want to support and a race you want to participate in;
  • when you register, you choose a bank transfer (without paying) for the payment method;
  • send the proof of donation (photo of the certificate issued by the Transfusion Center showing only the name and unique donation code, not CNP or other personal data) to the email address info@timotion.ro, together with the registration reference code consisting of 5-6 letters and numbers (you can find it on the website in the participant profile, along with the registration made) and we will manually confirm your registration.


In case you have questions or encounter difficulties when registering, please send us an e-mail to info@timotion.ro so that we can help you.




#eusorsafacembine  #proiectetimotion  #timisoarasemisca  #timotion9

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