LOGS: Timișoara #AlăturiDeRefugiați (EN)
din proiect80.1%
Through the “Timișoara #AlăturiDeRefugiați” project, we aim to help 200 refugees, immigrants or asylum seekers from Timișoara, offering them social vouchers worth 100 RON, counseling, and involving and training 5 volunteers from the local community during two months. Given the presence of refugees, immigrants and asylum seekers in Timișoara, as a result of conflicts or precarious conditions in their countries of origin, it is essential to offer them support. This help becomes all the more important as the state finds it difficult to provide them with the necessary assistance from various perspectives.
July – August 2024
200 refugees, immigrants or asylum seekers from Caraș-Severin, Timiș and Arad counties will receive material assistance.
100 refugees, immigrants or asylum seekers from Caraș-Severin, Timiș and Arad counties will have access to counseling and information.
5 volunteers will be trained through an intercultural skills course