Active in the Community
din proiect15.4%
In the context of discrimination and isolation of people with disabilities, children and adults, we propose movement activities for health, non-formal education for social inclusion and environmental protection and the implementation of an awareness campaign on respect for the rights of all, regardless of skills.
We aim to combat discrimination and isolation of those with disabilities, by involving them in the community in integrative activities, along with typical people, sports for health and non-formal education. At the same time, we intend to implement an awareness campaign, in order to bring to the attention of the Timişoara community the fact that we have equal rights regardless of (dis) abilities.
Project duration
July – December 2022 (6 months)
Who we are and what we do
Fundația de Abilitare Speranța is an NGO accredited as a social service provider, with 30 years of experience, which supports children with disabilities and special needs, their parents and families, promotes inclusive education, supports community living for adults with disabilities, and runs awareness campaigns.